Saturday, January 26, 2013

Lake Tahoe

 We love Lake Tahoe!
For the past few years, we have tried getting a place there in the winter (by exchanging our timeshare), but nothing ever seemed to work out. Once we expanded our options to include South Lake, rather than only the North Shore, a place opened up in early December! Although our trip had some difficulties, overall, we had a WONDERFUL time!

Our digs for the week
(This was Keira's suite for the first part of the week)

Master suite

Living/dining area

Everything was decked out for Christmas!

There was a lot to do within walking distance, like shopping, restaurants, casinos, the Gondola at Heavenly, and there was an ice skating rink on site.
Keira was really excited to try ice skating and seemed to be a little surprised at how challenging it actually was to stay up and maneuver the skates.
She stuck with it and did a great job!

The woman on the left was the owner/operator of the rink and came out on the ice a few times and offered tips for beginners.  Keira seemed pretty intimidated by her and basically stopped skating altogether and turned away the few times the woman came around. Eventually, she left us alone and Keira did much better practicing "marching" on the ice.

She's getting the hang of it!

 Yes, it was freeeeeeezing outside, but it didn't stop these two from getting in the pool and spa!

Making a beard of bubbles

All bundled up to check out the lake!

So pretty!

This is a special place to us because we celebrated part of our honeymoon here 9.5 years earlier!
It was fun to go back and share it with our daughter!

The M.S. Dixie.
We took a sunset dinner cruise around Emerald Bay on this same boat during our honeymoon!

More ice skating!
This time it was night and a lot colder!!

Look, Daddy:  No hands!!

We've got it down!

The next day (Tues), Daddy went out on his own for a snowshoe trek and Keira and I had our own adventures!

Noah forgot his camera battery, so he didn't get any pictures along the trail. This pic came from a person on the trail who put Noah's camera card in their camera.  :)

Keira and I rode up the Heavenly Gondola to the top of the mountain!

At the top, it was very windy and cold and we hadn't really bundled up to be out in the snow.  So, I quickly snapped this picture and we jumped back on the Gondola to head back down the mountain.

Back at the hotel, we made some sugar cookies!

Two bakers in their aprons!

 Hard at work!

Putting on the finishing touches

After his hike, Daddy joined us and helped finish the baking!

The best part--time to eat!!

 The next morning (Wed), we woke up to SNOW!
We ended up laying low for most of the day as Keira had been complaining of not feeling well off and on and was not acting like herself (tired, whiny, not wanting to eat). As the day wore on, she developed a fever and by the evening, we were pretty concerned.  She had recently finished a 10-day round of antibiotics for pneumonia, so we were surprised and worried that she could be so sick again. We ended up taking her to the ER and they found an ear infection (and we nearly missed having her hooked up to an IV for dehydration, as well as blood draws for testing). So, we left the ER and started another round of antibiotics the next day.

The view out our window

Ever wonder what a snowflake looks like up close?
Now you know!

On Thursday afternoon, Nana and Uncle joined us!
Keira still wasn't feeling 100%, but we were able to enjoy lunch together at our room and then drove around to see the sites around Emerald Bay (while Keira napped for part of it!).

Uncle Jonathan in snow gloves and shorts!

Emerald Bay

Sweet Keira
(and Mommy intensely occupied with something on the computer).

 Games with Nana are the best!

On Friday, Keira was feeling better and acting more like herself, so we got to get out and enjoy the sites!
She rode the Gondola again, this time with Daddy, Nana, and Uncle.

 The view from the lookout stop

She was not interested in being down in the snow

Happy to be back in the Gondola to go down the mountain!

Warming up and having fun on the computer in the Kid's Clubhouse

After lunch, we bundled up and spent some time playing in the snow!
Making a snowman with Nana and Daddy!

The snow was very dry, so it didn't want to stay together very well

Making her first snow angel!
She had a blast!!

The finished product!

The completed snow man!

Time for some sledding!

Aunt Laura tried to make her way up that afternoon, but the newly fallen snow made it difficult.
The cold and darkness set in and it was a difficult task to put the snow chains on her car. The solution: brothers to the rescue! Thankfully, they all made it back safely to the hotel later that night!

On Saturday, the family (minus Keira and I) did some snowshoeing around the area.

 For dinner that night, Nana treated us all to a delicious dinner at the Harrah's buffet!
We are happily stuffed!

Keira was so proud to take this picture

Free face painting courtesy of the hotel

 Squeezing in a little more fun with Aunt Laura before bed and heading home the next morning!

We are so thankful to get to enjoy these fun vacations and fun time with family!!