Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My Daughter, My Sister (in Christ)

July 1, 2013 was a very special day for Keira and for us as her parents.
On this special day, Keira prayed and asked Jesus to come and live inside her heart!!

We were on our way to swim lessons and just as we arrived and parked the car, Keira said something like, "I want Jesus to come and live inside my heart." Although we had talked about this subject many times during her young life, this statement came out of the blue that morning. I said something like, "Okay, well, all you have to do is say a prayer and He will come into your heart. Would you like to wait until tonight when Daddy is home and we can both pray with you together or would you like to do it right now?"

At first she said she wanted to wait, but then quickly changed her mind and said, "Actually, I want to do it right now." So, we did just that! I started out praying first, basically just thanking God for coming to live inside us if we ask Him, then I turned it over to Keira and she prayed, "Jesus, please come and live inside my heart. Thank you that you will live inside my heart. Amen."

It was a sweet and heartfelt moment.
Corinne sat quietly in her car seat while this went on.
Then, we hopped out of the car and proceeded with swim lessons!

Later that evening, we had a special "birthday" party for Keira to celebrate this moment!

We our thankful that Keira is our beloved daughter and now also our sister in Christ.
We pray that she will always want to walk closely with her Lord throughout her whole life!

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, [she] is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come." 2 Corinthians 5:17