Friday, December 28, 2012

Bun in the Oven

As I type this, I am currently 16 weeks along with baby #2!  By now, anyone who knows us heard this good news of baby on board long ago, but now I am finally able to function enough to record it all on the blog!

We found out I was pregnant in late September.  I had taken a home pregnancy test, but I initially read it wrong.  I didn't look at the package to double-check what a positive or negative reading would look like, but instead I was just going off memory from a previous test, except that I had remembered incorrectly!  So, I took the test first thing in the morning and thought it was negative and threw it in the trash and went about my day.  Later in the evening, it occurred to me that I should have compared the results with the packaging, so I fished it out of the trash and compared it with the box.  Yep, I had read it wrong!  Pregnant, indeed!

Essentially, from that moment on and for the following 2 months, the early part of pregnancy was difficult and challenging.  I had some bleeding at 5 weeks and then more bleeding around 13 weeks.  Also, from about 5 weeks until about 13 or 14 weeks I battled lots of nausea, constant aversions to food, extreme tiredness, throwing up, and overall a complete mental fog that all pretty much left me non-functional.  Oh, the joys of 1st trimester sickness!  Thankfully, I had help from friends and family to help me get through it and to give Keira some relief from having to lay on my bed to play Candyland and eat saltines with me.

Thankfully, now at 16 weeks, I am feeling so much better!  My mental clarity has returned and I have more energy to get out and do things and to keep up with my responsibilities around the house.  And I am able to eat more normally and not be nauseous!  Yippee!

Here is our first ultrasound picture at 8.5 weeks.
We got to see the heart beating on the screen!

After my first doctor's appointment and ultrasound, we shared the exciting news with Keira.
It took her a few seconds to comprehend what we were saying, but then it "clicked" and she started smiling and giggling and she came over and gave me a hug. It was a sweet moment!

Here she is opening her special present with a message of the exciting news...


Showing her the ultrasound pictures

She is very happy and curious about the new baby!

We got her some books about being a big sister!

Sweet girl in her new big sister outfit


Ultrasound at 13 weeks

Unfortunately, we didn't get a chance to do anything fun or unique to break the news to our families.  Basically, right after we found out I was pregnant (about 5 weeks), I started bleeding, which was concerning since that hadn't happened at all with Keira.  The doctor said to take it easy and rest at home, so in the meantime, we called our moms and told them the news over the phone and asked for prayer (with feelings of worry and uncertainty because we didn't know what the bleeding meant).  Then, a few weeks later, we visited Davis for Jonathan's birthday and shared the news with Laura and Jonathan.  Again, the atmosphere wasn't exactly celebratory because by then I was feeling pretty sick and wasn't sure if I could participate in the family activities that weekend (thankfully, I was able to!). Needless to say, the beginning of the pregnancy was pretty rocky, but thankfully, things have smoothed out quite a bit and we're now at a place where we're all very excited!!!!!!  We are so thankful that the baby seems to be developing well and now we are trying to wrap our minds around the thought of adding a new little person to our family!  Due date is May 26, 2013.  Exciting!!