Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Halloween Happenings 2012

Our Halloween activities were off the charts this year!
Keira is so lucky because her two best girl friends have moms who LOVE to throw parties, so she (and I!) always gets invited to the most fun events! 

Briana's Halloween party!
Look at those adorable costumes!!!!

Decorating a pumpkin with foam stickers

Getting settled in for story time

All the girls are enthralled with Godfrey's storytelling!

Decorating Halloween cookies!

The best part--eating the cookies!


How many 3-year-olds can you fit on Matt's lap?

Time for trick-or-treat goody bags!

Thanks, Briana, for a SUPER FUN party!! 

This was our favorite pumpkin patch/fall carnival place last year and this year we got to go 2 times!
The first trip was with Ella and the girls had a blast together!

Last year Keira wouldn't go near this big slide, but this year it was a huge hit!

Sharing the front seat and sharing the bell-ringing

No pushing and shoving, girls!


Keira was super excited when we got to go back to the pumpkin patch for some playtime with Daddy!

Catching some air in the bounce house

She said she wanted to get one of these swing rides for our backyard!

Looking so grown up

Later that night, it was pumpkin carving time!

When asked what she wanted on the pumpkin, she chose Snow White.
Of course, Daddy can do just about anything, so he got right to work on the Snow White creation!

Let's see what's inside!

Scooping out the pumpkin guts!
She wouldn't touch the inside of the pumpkin with her bare hands

The finished product!
WOW, thanks Daddy!

On Halloween morning we got to attend another super fun party at Ella's house!!

Keira LOVED the crafts!
Here she is decorating a jack-o-lantern face with black beans

Creativity in action

That's Grammy in the background!
She was down visiting for a while to help out while I was sick
(more on that later...)

Getting ready to make footprint ghosts

Time for a snack break!

Such a cute group of Halloween beauties

The girls and their mamas!

Brains and eyeballs?!

All the girls were REALLY interested in those pumpkin treats


Pretty kitty

A party isn't complete until the Run Around Game has been played!

Bike Extravaganza


Thanks, Ella, for a FABULOUS Halloween party!!!!!!

Later that day, we got to do a brief trick-or-treating outing in Ella's neighborhood!

Kitty and Strawberry Shortcake hamming it up before the candy action!

Could they be any cuter?!

Here we go!


Ummm, those big spiders are a little too much for her!

 Nousy showed up and gave the girls special ghosts with treats inside!

Finished with the pre-Halloween party!

Pure silliness!

Once it got dark, we got to take Keira out for more trick-or-treating in our neighborhood!
She absolutely LOVED it and kept wanting to go to house after house and she filled up her entire bucket with candy--whoa!

When she was done trick-or-treating, she got to help hand out candy, which I think she actually liked even more than going trick-or-treating herself.
She only got to answer the door two times because the evening was winding down, but she kept asking, "When is someone else going to come?" and she wanted to continually stand by the door holding the candy bucket.

 Happy Halloween 2012!
Thanks, Daddy, for the BEST jack-o-lantern ever!