Sunday, June 23, 2013

Traveling Near and Far

At the end of March (Easter weekend to be exact!), we drove up north to be with my family for my cousin's wedding. Keira stayed at my cousin Devon's house while Noah and I attended the wedding. It was super HOT outside, but the wedding was beautiful.

What a good lookin' family!
Congratulations Ashley and Ross!

All the cousins!

Keira had a great time playing with Cousin Marissa (almost 10-yrs-old) while we were at the wedding!
They played Easter egg hunt, gave each other tattoos, played on the swings, and more! We stayed overnight at their house and the next morning, Keira even got a basket from the Easter Bunny (unfortunately, no pictures)!

On our way home, we picked up Grammy to ride along with us since she was planning to stay at our house for the week--yippee!!

After the drive back home, Keira and Grammy got busy coloring Easter eggs!

Before heading off to bed, Keira got to follow some clues to find her special Easter basket from Mommy & Daddy!


Lots of fun goodies were inside!

Also that night, we said goodbye to Daddy because he left for a week-long trip to Ethiopia!!!! WOW! He was asked to go with Pastor Joe and Champ Rhodes to photograph all the work being done through Africa Water & Life. It was a privilege to be asked to go and Noah had a great time. To find out more about his experience, click here:

Here are some of the amazing pictures Noah took while in Ethiopia:

A playground at one of the restaurants they ate at

Pastor Joe speaking at a Church Planters' Conference

Some of the church planters

These ladies are preparing lunch

Some sites around town

Sharing details about the Self-Help Groups

The team got to visit with a few Self-Help Groups and find out how they are doing to support each other and get small loans to start businesses

There were lots of meetings in dimly lit rooms

At Selam Awassa, a type of business/trade school.
These guys are students that Africa Water & Life provided scholarships to so that they could attend the metal-working school.

Delicious guac & salsa with a type of chip prepared by students at the cooking school.

The cooking school

Interesting wildlife and exotic landscape...

These are called "ingera", which is essentially a fermented pancake. They are typically served as a side at all meals.

A home out in a rural village

Watering station

These kids were fascinated by the meeting that was going on between the New Hope Team and members of a rural Self-Help Group

See all the kids in the background?!

Praying together at the Church Planters' Conference at the end of the trip

Gathering water

Keira and I had a great week with Grammy while Noah was in Ethiopia! We got to Skype with Noah a few times while he was gone and, thankfully, the baby did not decide to come that week!