Tuesday, February 19, 2013

20-Week Ultrasound

At the beginning of January we had our 20-week ultrasound. We brought Keira along so she could see the pictures of her baby sibling. Just like when we were pregnant with Keira, we chose not to find out the sex of the baby.  Soooo, we'll just have to wait until Birth Day to find out if it's a boy or girl!

The baby was moving around a lot during the ultrasound, but he/she never got in a position where we could get a good profile shot. Nevertheless, here are some pics...

I think this is a view of the face

Another view of the face


Waving hi!
Do you see the little hand sticking up?

View of the back of the head

We can't wait to meet our newest little family member in a few more months!


Anonymous said...

We can't wait either!!! I loved seeing it wave HI! :) Hi tiny baby, see you soon :)