Sunday, February 17, 2013

Christmas Bonanza!

Christmas was quite the bonanza this year! We had about 3 different celebrations: one of our own at home, one with my side of the family, and one with Noah's family--WOW!

A favorite tradition we have is going to see Christmas lights every evening as we take Jack out for a walk. Our neighborhood usually has a good amount of lights and Keira LOVES seeing them all (even the houses with one tiny strand of lights!).

Here we are exchanging our gifts to each other!
Ooh, a new stainless steel frying pan for Mommy!


Daddy got some new camera gear

And CDs

And more camera gear!

Keira loved her new tool set
(just like Daddy has!)

WOW, what could be inside this gigantic bag?!

An inch-worm rider!
Thanks to the Wardrip Aunts for this fun gift!
Keira and her friends love to ride it!

It's an Ariel princess dress!


Sooooo excited to put it on!

Princess Ariel

Princess Ariel knows how to use her tools!

After our family Christmas, we loaded up the car and made our way up to Visalia to spend time with my side of the family. We stopped in for a visit with my cousin and Keira had so much fun playing with her "big girl" cousin, Marissa.

On Christmas Eve morning, we woke up at my Aunt Sue's house and ate a delicious breakfast together and got to open more presents!

A new game!

And twin bears--one for Keira and for the new baby!

Mommy and Daddy got a gift too!
Time to go shopping at Target!

Keira helped Aunt Sue open her gift, a yummy Christmas snack mix.

Trying out the new game!
Jack wanted to be a part of the action too.

For the afternoon, we headed over to Grammy's house for lunch and even more presents!
Our little elf is helping to pass out the gifts.

A Tinkerbell bath set--fun!

Grammy must have gotten something really good!

Ooh, a new princess puzzle
(Update: This puzzle has 100 pieces and Keira can now do it all by herself)

Let's pop some popcorn!!

Helping Grammy with her big gift!

Daddy got some good stuff too!

A new Tinkerbell dress--WOW!

I don't know who is more excited in this picture!

Christmas glee!

Nice hat, Daddy!

Snuggling with Grammy's dog, Sister

My little Tinkerbell

We almost forgot to open the stocking

There were more goodies inside!

Thanks Grammy and Grandpa Sandy for a wonderful Christmas celebration! We had a great time at your house!

After the Christmas festivities with my mom, we made our way up to Davis to be with Noah's family. We enjoyed a delicious dinner (the traditional Christmas Eve spread of Swedish meatballs, scalloped potatoes, Swedish rye bread, and green bean casserole-YUM!) and then we went to the Christmas Eve service at Nana's church.

Next, it was Christmas morning!!
Here we are, getting ready to dive into our stockings!

Jack and Willy are always a little uncertain during this time of opening presents as the wrapping paper goes flying!

Stocking stuffers are so fun!

Here, Daddy, let me help you!

After our traditional breakfast of egg & sausage casserole and pecan rolls, we were ready to open presents!
Nana got a beautifully wrapped gift!
(Hmmm...I wonder who wrapped it?!)

Thanks, Aunt Laura and Uncle Jonathan!
Keira LOVES this game, which is basically a kid version of Cranium.

Princess Belle!

Uncle got some good stuff!

A new Ariel doll!

Willy, taking it all in

A new T-ball set from Nana!

Time to go to Disneyland!

Jack, trying to cope with the madness of unwrapping!
Hey, this tissue paper is pretty soft!

Aunt Laura inherited the gigantic blue bag!
What could be inside?!

Just a bunch of paper?!

Ooh, a new griddle!

After the gifts were open, it was time to PLAY!
Thanks, Nana, for this great princess puzzle!

Trying out the new Cranium Playground game!

Of course, playing in the wrapping paper is way more fun!!!!!!

Wow, what a mess!

Wait, there's something hiding under there...I see a hand...

It's Daddy!
He likes playing in the wrapping paper too!

During the rest of our stay at Nana's house, we got to do lots of fun things together.
Here is Keira reading a "map" as she called it.

Doing her "I spy" sticker book with Nana.

Making potato pancakes with Aunt Laura and Uncle Jonathan.

We had a great visit with the Sluises & Keira got to try out her new T-ball set with Isabel.

Good hit, Isabel!

Eye on the ball!

Nice hit!

The girls dressed up and had a tea party!

Just hanging out

Nana has a super fun park by her house, so we always like to go there!

The rolling slide is the BEST!

Nana's turn to play Cranium Playground!

Thank you, Nana, Aunt Laura, and Uncle Jonathan for a special Christmas celebration!
We always treasure our time with you!

Merry Christmas 2012!