Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Plethora of Fall Fun!

Fall 2013 was so full & so much fun!!!!

Here is a compilation of pictures that shows just how much fun our family had!

Daddy & Daughter Date!
Noah and Keira got to enjoy a Padres vs Giants game together while Mommy & Corinne relaxed at home.
The yummy snacks had no end!

Cotton candy? Yes, please!

Aww, look who they ran into?!

Opposing teams, but still best friends!

Momma Mack celebrated her Baby Girl on the way at a beautiful & fun shower hosted by Carla.
So special!

Corinne was a party girl!

Playgroup and MOPS friends!

Park time fun at Oliver's 4th birthday party!

Storm Trooper Oliver!
(It was a Star Wars theme! Can you tell?!).

We had to say goodbye to our friends, the Yunkers, as they packed up and moved to Eastern WA.
Keira will miss playing with Hailey, Maia, and Jaelyn.

Second Annual Hullabaloo Festival!
Such a beautiful pic of my girl!

Corinne rocking out at her first Hullabaloo concert!
She's sure to be the next groupie!

Sun, anyone?

Front row dancers

Gettin' her groove on!

Starstruck. :)

These two and Hullabaloo go waaaaay back!

Keira is rocking those sunglasses!

MOPS playdate at the pool!
Apparently, summer was not over yet!

So fun!!

These next two pictures aren't that exciting in and of themselves; however, what they symbolize is pretty cool:
1. Laura & I getting to go out together for a fun evening of Christmas festivities & shopping as a fundraiser for Africa Water & Life.
2. Noah being asked to take pictures of the event (a privilege for him to use his gifts and talents).
3. Probably the most exciting thing: since Noah and I were both out at this event, Keira and Corinne got to stay home with their very FIRST babysitter (non-family/friend)!!!! Sidney, a teenager we met at MOPS, came over to play with Keira for the evening (Corinne was asleep and didn't make a peep!).  Keira had SO MUCH FUN and talked about Sidney for weeks after.

My raffle prize: a scentsy warmer!

After many, many years of Qualcomm no longer hosting family picnics, they brought back the fun!  We enjoyed a great family afternoon down on the bay at Seaport Village and indulged in lots of free food, games, and activities! Thank you, Qualcomm!

Airbrush tattoo!

Giant Jenga game--Keira's favorite!

Later that day, Keira threw on her fairy costume and flitted over to Briana's for a kid's-only fairy playdate!
Look at those beautiful fairies!!

Painting fairy houses!

Keira loved getting to paint her nails all by herself!

Dinner with friends!
So fun!

As a family of 4, we made the trek thru the Family Swap Meet and found some good buys!
Here is Corinne trying out her new exersaucer!
Ummmm, I don't think she likes it!

Look at that scowl!!

Keira scored a big girl princess bike!!!!
(Poor thing had long outgrown her trike, so it was time for an upgrade!).

Playtime at the park is always fun!

Corinne trying out her new bath seat!
She was still a little wobbly with sitting up, so she got a big red mark across her chest from leaning (falling) forward.

Fun times at home:
Keira wrote letters to her two favorite princesses!

Getting ready to mail them off!
After a few weeks, she got a postcard signed by all the princesses and a special note from Cinderella. So fun!!!

Just hanging out in the Bumbo and playing with toys!

Kid Swap at our house resumed during the fall and the girls had a great time making donut balls together!

Hard at work pouring on the glaze!

Mmmm! They look good enough to eat!

Keira started gymnastics!!
I was disappointed when her dance class schedule changed in the fall and we couldn't make it to classes anymore. So, instead, we decided to try out gymnastics and Keira LOVED it! After the first class, she basically cried because it was too short (45 min) and didn't want to go home!

Warming up

We brought out the booster chair for Corinne!
How exciting that she can join us at the table for meals now (first with toys and eventually with food)!!

Chewing on Sophie will suffice for now!

Sister playtime while Mommy tries to get some laundry done!

Keira loves her baby sis!

Funny camera angles with Daddy!

Sweet, Baby Corinne
(about 4.5 months)

Nana & Uncle came down to visit & we got to celebrate Uncle Jonathan's 21st birthday!!
Nana with her girls!

We spent an afternoon exploring Old Town!

And we ate some yummy Mexican food!


Exploring the museums

Lucky for Keira, Daddy bought this giant lollipop from the candy shop!

Ooooh, what is that?!

Gimme some of that rainbow!!

I'd say it was a big hit!

Hiking through the canyon to the water fall!

For Nana's 60th birthday present, Daddy bought her a personal flight lesson!!!!
Getting ready to board the plane!

Getting settled in

Learning the ropes

Wow, what a view!!!!!!!!!

Back on solid ground!

Happy 60th Birthday, MomSheila!

 October 17, 2013
Little Lucy Sterling came into the world!

What a perfect and sweet little blessing!!

Keira meeting Baby Lucy for the first time

She loves her so much!

Two proud mamas with our big girls and little baby girls!

Corinne meeting Baby Lucy for the first time.

So tiny and sweet

Grammy came to visit and we got to celebrate her 60th birthday!!
Keira loved helping to make the heart cake for Grammy.

We enjoyed a delicious lunch at The Crab Catcher in La Jolla.
The view was pretty spectacular!!

Corinne slept through the whole thing!

Just hanging at home!

She's starting to like her exersaucer

Hey, this is fun!!

We made a trip up to Glendora to celebrate Kirsten's birthday.
It was a fun family event!!
Corinne got to play "Pass the Baby" and she was a good sport about it!
Aunt Stephanie started it off!

 Keira LOVES!LOVES!LOVES! playing with Anna & Kirsten!

Aunt Sue getting some snuggle time!

The most amazing cupcakes ever!!
Nutella and bananas inside; need I say more?!

Keira wanted to help blow out the candles!

Sweet girls!

Uncle Clay's turn!

What is that scruffy stuff??

Aunt Janice's turn next!

 Snuggles with Anna!

Keira is in 4-year-old heaven, getting to play with the big girls!

Corinne showing off her teeth coming in!!!

Look closely!
Do you see those chompers coming in?!
(5 months old)

Just hanging on Mommy & Daddy's bed


Puzzle fun with Daddy!
Who needs 2-D puzzles?! Bring on the 3-D!!

Little chef helping to make Corinne's oatmeal

Exciting times as Corinne gets ready to eat her first solid food!

Open up!

Ummmm, what is this?!

Ewww! Nasty!!

What are you people doing to me?!

Really?! Another bite?!

Baby torture!!

Look, Corinne!
Let me show you how it's done!

Mmmm! Yummy!
See, it's not so bad!

Sweet girl

Just two little monkeys hanging around

Next up: avocado!

Heyyyy, this is good!!

I could get used to this yummy-ness!

Corinne's first time in a cloth diaper

Cloth diaper bottom and chunky baby legs!
What could be cuter?!

A cute apron made by my friend, Tanya.
Keira wanted to model the apron with silly faces.  :)

Wow, what an exciting fall we had!
AND, there's more to come...Halloween...Thanksgiving...the fun just keeps rolling around here!