Tuesday, February 18, 2014

We Visited the Pumpkin Patch How Many Times???

Fall festivities! Pumpkin patches! Halloween! Photo shoots!
These pretty much sum up all of October for our family!

See below for the thousands of words these pictures convey!

Pumpkin patch #1: Del Mar Pumpkin Station
These girls are growing up too much!

Um, yeah, they're pretty much too big for this merry-go-round!

My two sweet girls!

Keira took this picture!
Wow, great photog skills for a 4-yr-old!

Can't quite reach the ground, but getting close.  :)

So sweet!

Briana's (annual?) Halloween Party!

The mamas with their babies
(in arms and in tummies--so cute!).

The Wardrip 4!
(Shorts and flip-flops in October?? Yep, it must be San Diego!).

That is one awesome tractor swing!

Godfrey DJing the Monster Mash dance party!


Corinne has had her fill and is ready to sleep

Dressing up is so much fun!

Halloween egg hunt

Exploring their loot


Craft time!
Making play-doh monsters

Story time!

Monster cupcakes


Pumpkin patch visit #2!
Lots of fun with our playgroup friends!

Pumpkin patch visit #3!
RB Pumpkin Station
Sweet friends!

A MOPS group playdate turned into an outing with just these 3 amigos!


Photo-ops galore!
These girls don't mind.

Pumpkin patch visit #4!
Back to the RB patch, this time with Grammy & Aunt Laura!!

My sweet little pumpkins

They love hanging out with Aunt Laura!

And they love it when Grammy visits!

Growing like a weed!

Hmm...not sure how accurate this one is.  :)

Corn maze!

Two animal lovers!

Hay ride!

"I'm not sure what all the fuss is about, but I've got my fingers, so I'm good."

Pretty sunflowers

Classic pumpkin patch

Corinne's not quite ready for cut-outs!
She was trying to eat the wood!

More awesome photo-ops!
(I love this one!!)

And this one!!

It was so fun to have Aunt Laura over to help carve pumpkins!!

Time to dig in!


San Diego palm tree pumpkin!


Our annual tradition of early trick-or-treating with Ella!
(Yep, it's still daylight out, but the neighbors don't seem to mind!).
Look at those 2 beautiful Cinderellas!

Two peas in a pod


Two Cinderellas + 2 "First Halloween" babies + 2 happy (and sleep-deprived!) mamas = FUN!!

Can't get enough of the Halloween babies!

Oh boy! They are D.O.N.E.!!!!

On Halloween night, Aunt Laura came over to go around trick-or-treating with Keira!
That was a special treat!
(Apparently, as she was walking around the neighborhood, Keira was telling people to go to her house to get some candy).  :)

Beautiful Cinderella w/ her amazing Ariel & Flounder jack-o-lantern!

Wow! Great job, Daddy!!!!

As usual, our fall season was off the charts!  :)