Wednesday, February 26, 2014

November and Such...

 November is FULL of birthday celebrations for our family! Here's a look at our November with all the birthday excitement and various other fun family activities!

Celebrating Laura's birthday with yummy Mexican food in Old Town!
(Plus, it was the first time I had my hair highlighted--woohoo!).

Thanks to an old co-worker (EP), the Thankful Tree lives on!
Keira helped make the tree this year
(she loved cutting out the branches and taping them on the wall)!

Keira has a lot to be thankful for!
These are the things she mentioned:
--Carving the pumpkin with Daddy
--Aunt Laura
--When I get to go swimming in the summertime
--Spending time with Daddy in the evening
--Getting to eat candy
--Being able to play on a waterslide
--Spending time with Daddy doing puzzles
--Being able to do fun activities like the Thankful Tree

Notable observations:
--Daddy sure got a lot of love!
--Mommy & Corinne were noticeably absent from the list (Waahh!)
--There were only 12 things mentioned (obviously we did not do this everyday--oops!).

In early November we went on our first hike as a family of 4!
We made the short trek up the hills near our house (affectionately known as "The Stacks").

At the top!

Daddy & his girls

We made a special trip up to Davis to visit Nana!
Lots of celebrating was in order for Daddy's & Nana's birthdays!!

Playing animal dominoes with Nana is so much fun!

Keira LOVES Willy so much!

A favorite fall-time activity: Apple Hill!!

It was Corinne's first trip to Apple Hill!
(well technically, she went the year before, as a tiny baby growing in my tummy and I was very sick!).

Keira is a little too big for the stroller!
Poor thing was carsick after the drive up, so we pushed her around while her tummy settled down and she started to feel better.

She waited a long time for face painting!


Gorgeous fall colors!

A great shot of the family!

Hay maze!

Nana's gonna getcha!

Nana loves her grand-daughters!

Aww, special Auntie time!
All Corinne can think about is how she wishes she could have an apple donut!

Later that evening, we celebrated Daddy's birthday!

Aww, Uncle Jonathan loves Willy so much!
(Wait, is that a hug or a choke hold??)

Something was soooo funny!

Coupon for a date night with childcare courtesy of Aunt Laura!

Noah's birthday dessert request: berry milkshake!

Happy 34th, Daddy!

The next day, it was time to celebrate (early) Nana's 60th Birthday!!
We all (Wardrip kids) coordinated a special birthday celebration, which included Sheila's special friends & family, yummy food/treats, nostalgic music & pictures, and a good time hanging out together.


Yummy birthday treats!

Happy birthday, Nana!

Nana is so proud to show off her newest Grandbaby!

Yay for family time!

Exter is a special friend!
(And Bev too!)

Longtime friends and neighbors!

Special friends with the Sluises for many, many years!

Aww, Corinne is so happy with her Uncle!

Katie teaching Keira how to pop bubble wrap!

Party girls!

A great pic of the family ladies!

Everyone lookin' good all dressed up!

Nana in her shimmery gold & Corinne with her big ol' bow!
These pretty girls are ready to party!

Later that evening, Nana opened her presents

Reading the special card from Keira

A trip to Nana's isn't complete without playing at the park!
The rolling slide is the best!

Picnic lunch at the Arboretum--fun!

November means photoshoot time for Christmas pictures!
We met up with the Dukes at Old Poway Park for our now annual tradition of photo-swapping family pictures.

Aww, sweet Corinne with her Daddy!

The fall leaves were so much fun!

My two sweeties
(I love Corinne's chunky legs!)

Eskimo kisses with Mommy

Beautiful sisters!

The theme was blue & silver  :)

Showing off her new teeth!

Daddy's girls

I love Keira's smile in this one!

Keira was so terrified that the train was going to come around and get us. :(

She was much happier with Daddy holding her

Just a typical day at home!

Continuing to explore solid foods

Her standard pose :)

Such a happy baby!

Daddy got to come visit Keira's gymnastics class, which, of course, means millions of amazing pictures!!
The trapeze = FAVORITE!

Corinne's not too sure about all this commotion

Little gymnast

Wow, nice bridge!

So focused

Rocking out at friend's musical birthday party!

These two are rockstars for sure!

Keira L.O.V.E.D. singing on the microphone!!

More birthday celebrating with Momma Mack!

The babies came to celebrate too!
Corinne wasn't too sure about sharing her stroller with Lucy.

Christmastime is around the corner...